After the success of our first Water Polo evening, Jim kindly returned with his goals, balls and hats for another crazy evening of madness and mayhem in the deep end. The event proved even more popular with 25 swimmers entering the water, some experienced but most of us still novices at the game.
Same as two weeks ago, Jim explained the basics of the game before some drill and then practice passing, dribbling and throwing. We were then divided into two teams, blues and white hats, whistle blown and swim off!
Great fun with the white hats beating the blue hats 6-2. So at the moment it is one each.
At the moment we can only play after the pool closes at 8pm and unfortunately the sun is now setting before 9pm so we have run out of daylight hours. Unless anyone can think of an alternative this will be our last Water Polo evening of 2015. Thanks to everyone who came, and especially Jim, for making this such a success and Fusion for letting us use the pool.