
Join the other 378 members who have signed up for the Brockwell Swimmers club for only £20 a year. You will receive a free swim cap and be able to enjoy our full range of fun activities as well as a 10% discount on all our merchandise (if you have any problems registering please let us know):

  • Name

  • Minimum length of 6 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Would you like to receive a free Club Swimming Cap? If so please select which one you would like?
  • Membership Fee

    Brockwell Swimmers is a non-profit organisiation. Your membership fee will help pay for insurance, equipment, social events, pool hire, web and general running costs of the swimming club. Brockwell Swimmers reserve the right to contact members from time to time with essential club information.
    • Payment Details

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