Swim News The Brockwell Swim club is based at Brockwell Lido; an unheated open-air Lido in Herne Hill, South London, SE24. The pool is open all year for both Winter and Summers swimming. Challenging during the colder months and blissful on a hot sunny day. The Brockwell Swimmers club was formed in January 2016 by a group of Lido users keen to see more swimming activities at this historic South London landmark. The aims and objectives of the Club are to promote participation of the whole community in the sport of swimming. We work to facilitate and encourage the teaching, development and practice of good swimming both at the pool and open water. We also work with Lambeth Council and Fusion Management to ensure the continued accessibility of this public facility for the local community. As well as events at the Lido, the club organises indoor Water Polo and Swim Sessions at local indoor pools, as well as taking part in national and international club events and swims. We also organise Summer walk/swims, club socials and liaise with other swimming clubs.
Book Review – Swell a Waterbiography
Jenny’s starts her Waterbiography with memories of her chin-wobbling Aunty Mary taking her to Birmingham’s gloomy Sparkehill Baths for her first lessons in swimming, the only real instructions being to just “get in the water”. Not exactly the most inspiring of starts, but this first dip was to lead to a love affair with water […]
Fusion Cold Water Swimming Gala
The Fusion organised Cold Water Swimming Gala happening Saturday 11th November has now been cancelled. Apologies if you were looking forward to this. Hopefully more positive news soon. Save Save Save
CASC Registration for Brockwell Swimmers
At a Special General Meeting on the 1st October members present voted in favour of CASC, Community Amateru Sport Club, status. This has now been approved by the Inland Revenue so if you were unable to make that meeting we thought we’d better explain what this means. The Community Amateur Sports Club scheme was introduced […]
Raising money for MacMillan 2017
Team Brockwell again helped raise money for the MacMillan Cancer Support charity at their annul All Out Swim at Brockwell Lido. Always a great event, well organised and well attended. Well done Paola, Claire, Tim and Betony for swimming the 100 lengths, without wet suits. So far we have managed to raise £860 and would […]
Swim Drill – Basic Freestyle Technique
We are often asked about swim technique so we have trawled the internet to find you some useful advice. First up is Freestyle where we found this set of videos by American coach Mary Jo who explains the five basic drills taking you towards your perfect technique. Ensure you use the full movement of your […]
Swim the difference for MacMillan
We’re putting a team together to raise money for the MacMillan cancer charity’s All Out Swim happening Saturday 30th September. We have pledged to swim 5K (100 lengths) in relay and need four members. If more members want to swim we’ll make up another team. It’s the perfect combination of swimming and raising money for […]
Testing the Watering Holes of Hampstead
Great to see some new faces at our annual trek round Hampstead Heath on Sunday 19th August. Yet again we found a new route which this year included a pub for lunch thanks to Sue’s recommendation. Starting at sister Lido Parliament Hill Fields for a refreshing 18·8°C plunge followed by some very tasty coffee and […]
Stock Exchange Races July 2017
With so many Summer swimming events happening, July was a busy time for Team Brockwell and included an invitation from Tooting Lido to take part in the annual Stock Exchange Races. We first entered two teams for the 4 x 4 Relays on Wednesday evening 19th, where we actually didn’t come last! We must be […]