Private company ‘allowed to pick and choose’ who can use Lido


“Brockwell Swimmers Club has accused Fusion Lifestyle, which runs Brockwell Lido that it leases from Lambeth council, of reneging on an agreement to allow the club to run coaching sessions at the pool.
“We are yet again having to fight for use of our local, publicly owned, swimming pool,” said the club, which was founded in January 2016.
The Brixton Blog reported in May 2019 that 1,000 people had signed a petition urging Fusion Lifestyle to lift a ban on the club.
The club said that “after years of asking”, it had secured a meeting on 17 November last year with Fusion to discuss future hire of the pool for coached swim sessions.
The meeting was chaired by local Lambeth councillor Ben Kind, cabinet member for children and families, and attended by Tim Sutton, chair of Brockwell Swimmers, Fusion community and partnerships director Mark Rogers, and Fusion’s Brockwell Lido manager Scarlett Hayward.
“The meeting was amicable and the club put in an application for ‘coached swim sessions’ that same day, as agreed at the meeting,” the club said in a statement.
“The club received an email from Scarlett Hayward on 25 November stating: “I can confirm all the dates have been accepted” and an invoice (now paid) was received on the 30 November,” the statement continued.
The club says that five months later, on 3 April, it received an email from Mark Rogers saying that “Brockwell Swimmers are unable to run ‘coached’ sessions at the Lido due to our existing agreements” – even though the agreed contract clearly stated “coached”.
Brockwell Swimmers say Fusion’s agreement refers to a five-year contract agreed with Streamline Swim in 2018.
It says there was no tender process, nor consultation with the local community, user groups, nor Lambeth council.
The contract was renewed in 2023 which apparently awards exclusive swim coaching to “the small husband and wife run company,” the swimming club said, adding: “Fusion have refused to disclose to either Ben Kind or the club exactly what this contract says”.
Brockwell Swimmers also point out that a third organisation, Windrush Triathlon club, has been allowed to run its own coached swim sessions during the summer. Triathlon consists of running, cycling and swimming,
“It would seem that exceptions are being made, but not for Brockwell Swimmers,” the club said.
Brockwell Swimmers member Paula Ade said Fusion claimed Windrush was being allowed to coach because it is a triathlon club.
“We note that both Brixton Swimmers and Windrush are seeking to use lanes in the Lido for the same purpose and, therefore, fail to see how or why being a swimming club versus a triathlon club is relevant,” she said.
Club chair Tim Sutton said: “Windrush are not teaching cycling or running in the pool, they are teaching swimming, exactly the same as we are asking.
“It seems that a private company is being allowed to pick and choose which local sports clubs can use our publicly owned pool.”
Brockwell Swimmers treasurer Mary Pierce said: “We just want more inclusivity so that people and our club can have an opportunity. Brockwell Lido is such a lovely space.”
Brockwell Swimmers is a registered, volunteer-run, non-profit amateur sports club.
A Fusion spokesperson said: “There is an existing contract in place for the provision of swimming coaching by a highly experienced, longstanding, and local partner.
“This contract gives the provider exclusive rights to coaching at the Lido. This is due to expire early in 2028, we will review this agreement nearer the time as a matter of good practice.
“All groups including Brockwell Swimmers Club are welcome to hire lanes at the Lido subject to availability and in accordance with our booking terms and conditions.”
It is understood that Windrush Triathlon approached Brockwell Lido to enquire about coaching and that Fusion contacted Streamline to establish whether this would conflict with existing legal agreements.
Streamline Swim saw no problem with Windrush Triathlon coaching at the Lido.”

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